How to connect domain to VPS

Ever thought about how to connect domain to VPS?

If you wish to use the Virtual Private Server (VPS), you can do this by hosting a website. To achieve this, you have to register a domain name at a domain registrar company.

For a domain to work with VPS hosting, you must connect the server and domain by pointing your domain to it. You can achieve this through different options, including A record, custom nameservers or through CNAME and A records. Here is more!

Introduction to VPS

Before we discuss how you can connect a domain to VPS, you should have a basic understanding of VPS. This stands for a virtual private server. A server refers to a computer that is responsible for storing all the data that make up your site. VPS makes use of virtualization technology to split a powerful server into numerous virtual servers. Since this server is reserved for you, it prevents you from sharing CPU and RAM with any other user.

These options can help you connect domain to VPS

Via A record

This is the most straightforward solution to connecting the domain to VPS. It involves changing the A record in the DNS zone. The A record is a form of DNS record that maps the domain name to the IPv4 address. It makes an IPv4 address that is difficult to remember easy to read. An A record is made up of different fields. For instance, it consists of the name that is appended with an @ and a TTL. The TTL represents the amount of time the record is cached. The A record also contains a target IPv4 address.

For you to point an A record to a VPS, you should first login to the DNS management section of your registrar. From here, you can easily identify your A record and then point it to the IP of the VPS. If you previously pointed the A record to another host, the propagation time may reflect the old TTL.

You should consider adding these A records.

A record 1A record 2
Name:@Name: www
Points to: your VPS IPPoints to: your VPS IP
TTL: DefaultTTL: Default

If you don’t know where your domain name is currently pointing, you can utilize the DNS lookup tool to find this out. This tool can also help you confirm whether the records were correctly added once you connect a domain to VPS. You should wait for at least 24 hours for things to start working since DNS propagation often takes time. If you are not patient, you can confirm if everything is working as expected using a DNS checkup tool. Such tools can give you instant results.

If the output reveals that the A record is your VPS IP address, it shows that the connection was successful. Once you have achieved this, you should give the DNS some time to propagate fully worldwide. Consider clearing browser cache and flush DNS to speed up this process. When the DNS becomes fully active, you will notice a default page that loads when you visit the domain through a browser.

Using CNAME and A records

This is also another method that can help you connect a domain to VPS. If you choose this option, you should first get the VPS IP then go to the domain’s DNS zone. If you come across any A records which include www or @ in its name, you should delete them. Once you do this, ensure that you add the following A record.

  • Name @
  • Points to: your VPS IP
  • TTL: Default

You should also add the following CNAME record:

  • Name: www
  • Points to: your domain name
  • TTL: Default

Once you complete the process, do not forget to save the settings. When you exit from the process, you should confirm if the domain is now pointed to the VPS.

Via custom nameservers

This method is not that straightforward since you have to set up a DNS zone on a virtual server. This option can switch the location of the DNS zone to the VPS. If you wish to make any DNS-related changes in the future, you will have to make them through the created zone.

To connect a domain to VPS through this method, you must first create child nameservers for the domain. Ensure that each one points to the dedicated VPS IP address. If, for instance, you are using Hostinger, you can achieve this through the domain management panel. You can then set up the DNS zone for the domain on a virtual server. Do not forget to restart the server to confirm that it is running smoothly.

The next step involves changing nameservers of the domain to the ones you have created. You can achieve this through the domain management panel on Hostinger. Just like with the first method, DNS propagation can take some hours before it becomes fully operational. Make use of the DNS checkup tools to confirm if the created zone is fully functional.


Connecting the domain when you set up a new VPS is a common task that you should learn. For you to use a VPS and domain name, it is important that you first make some DNS changes. You can point the domain name to the virtual private server through different methods. For instance, you can do this by using an A record, CNAME and A records or through custom nameservers. Regardless of the option you choose, you have to give the connection some time for it to work.


What is an A record?

This is a form of DNS record that connects the hostname to the IPv4 address. Rather than using an IP address, you can utilize the domain name to link to the webserver of your VPS.

Why should I use VPS hosting?

This physical server is divided into different virtual units. Every virtual unit contains a special system. VPS hosting can give you more control and deliver better performance than shared hosting.

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