Do I need VPS hosting for a WordPress website?

Just because your website has outgrown shared hosting doesn’t mean you need VPS hosting, but we’ll discuss those issues in this article.

Finding the right hosting for your WordPress site can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when you have so many options around. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each hosting in order to make the right decision specific to your needs.

What is VPS hosting?

Having your website on a virtual private server, aka VPS, means that you will host it on a private partition independent of a physical server. This keeps your files separate from other websites and also means you control the set share of resources.

Despite being on the same physical server, these containers – or virtual private servers – do not share resources with each other. Because of this, if one site on the server starts consuming more resources, it will not negatively affect the performance of the other sites on the same server.

Your site will no longer be hosted in an environment where as many sites as possible can be crammed onto a single server. The days of sharing resources and fighting for survival on a shared server will be over. Faster load times, the ability to handle more visitors and improved uptime are just a few of the benefits that await those who choose VPS hosting for their WordPress site.

Another advantage of VPS Hosting is the ability to upgrade to more resources when needed. How you upgrade your server varies from provider to provider, but most have options to get the performance you need.

If you’re starting to outgrow shared hosting, a VPS hosting plan may be the perfect choice, but for WordPress sites, you can also consider purpose-built WordPress hosting.

What is WordPress hosting?

While a VPS would come pre-configured for general use, WordPress Hosting is designed just for WordPress. There are many ways to set up a server and its software. WordPress hosting takes the guesswork out of the process. WordPress is a content management system (CMS). You can install WordPress and create your own website using any type of hosting.

With WordPress hosting, only WordPress sites are allowed on the server. This allows the server to be optimized and specially configured for the WordPress platform. Often, WordPress hosting can be more expensive than shared hosting, but since you don’t have to waste time on technical tasks and your site will perform at a high level, it justifies those costs.

Managed WordPress hosting is a managed service where all technical aspects of running WordPress are handled by the host. This includes security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime and scalability. The idea behind managed WordPress hosting is to provide a complete seamless experience so you can focus on running your business.

Managed WordPress hosting is a special type of hosting that offers a bunch of WordPress-related services. The server can be shared or VPS, but it shouldn’t matter because the host should be extremely skilled at maintaining the service.

With so many different web hosting options for WordPress sites, you’re probably wondering how you know whether or not you need a VPS plan – or if a basic shared hosting plan will work well.

So when do you figure out if you need VPS hosting for your WordPress website?

  • The site gets more traffic and loads much harder. This is not a bad thing, it means that your website is of interest and sought after by potential customers and is growing. If your shared hosting plan doesn’t support the growing traffic, then it’s time to consider a VPS hosting plan.
  • You want to have more control over your operations and install your own software. A VPS hosting plan allows you to configure your settings as you wish and also install software. In other words, it gives you more control over how you want your WordPress server and site to operate.
  • You’re worried about security. Sites on shared servers are much more vulnerable. If you’re creating a WordPress website that captures customer data, then additional security should be one of your first priorities. VPS hosting plans are a great option for added security. As your website grows in popularity, it becomes a more popular target for hackers as well. If your website continues to be attacked or hacked, upgrading your hosting can help keep it more secure.
  • Scale up your site – it’s perfectly normal to want to upgrade after you’ve gotten a lot more traffic to your site. A VPS hosting plan is the perfect choice if you’ve outgrown a shared hosting plan and want most of the benefits of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost.
  • Does your site keep going down or do you keep getting 500 server errors? If troubleshooting doesn’t fix common WordPress errors, then it may be your current hosting plan.

Both VPS hosting and WordPress hosting are comparable in terms of cost, both are an upgrade from shared hosting.

With prices starting at 5 EURO you can instantly give your website a speed boost by upgrading to one of the best VPS hosting and WordPress hosting services we offer.

Selecting the wrong option can cost you both time and money in the long run. Choosing the best website hosting option for you can determine the safety, speed and reliability of your website.

A VPS plan is a great choice for a WordPress website. If you have any questions about selecting the best plan, any of our customer support team members will be happy to answer your questions.

With our virtual machines, you get high performance for hosting your WordPress website. With RAM, CPU, storage capacity and scalability, you can handle traffic spikes and tailor your VPS to fit your needs.

At BMFHost we offer different VPS plans to suit your needs as your site grows.

Just as there’s no one restaurant that will please all customers, there’s no single magic solution for a website – the type of hosting you need depends largely on your goals and the requirements of your project. Consider the pros and cons of each type of hosting to make an informed decision.

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